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means the beginning of the end for Italy.
I hope you haven't had to work all day washing & ironing and cleaning up. If you should hire Dolores - she would be tickled enough to earn a little money doing up your shirts and cleaning up the house. She is a good child & very conscientious, but she won't be back till Aug 1st.
Doris wants to write a little note to you tonight, so I will leave this space.


Hello Dad,
I bet is it hot down there, considering how it is up here. I just got home from the movies and had supper, ice cream and all, and Grandma seems quieted down. It is hard to get ice cream now - they were out of it in all the stores but one this afternoon. Oh, what I wanted to tell you about. Yesterday when we went swimming I lost an ear stopper - I haven't any bathing cap so I used an old cloth and it came off. So I wonder if you could bring up with you at least 3 packages of ear stoppers - costs 10 cents per package and are in most any drug store - especially at Pershing's, which is just at Lyon Carls.  They are small and easy to carry please send them up by parcel post - weigh nothing and I don't believe you can get them up here. Wish I had a bathing cap but I suppose the are not available.  Love, Doris.