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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office Asst. Sub-Asst Commissioner
Plymouth, N.C. August 5, 1868

Lieut. C.W. Dodge
A.S-A.Com'r. Edenton, N.C.


I am informed by Hamilton Little Col'd that he has a hog in Endenton in the possession of Major Perkins col'd that Major bought the hog promising to pay for it the sum of $7.00

Major has not paid him but expressed his willingness to send the hog over upon payment of $3.00 for keeping. Little promised to pay that amount [[strength]][[?]] when the hog is sent over.

Will you please see Perkins and have the hog sent over if possible.

Very Respectfully 
Your obedient servant
Jno M. Foote
2nd Lieut V.R.C. ASA Com'r