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examples to make the thing less dry to a certain class of readers. But you will endeavor to to take only the grand principles it contains to remember,

As regards the wolf story this is my opinion. There are two things  [[strikethrough]]& two only  [[strikethrough]] to be represented  [[strikethrough]] first  [[strikethrough]].  
the wolf & his coming. There is no doubt about the come meaning simply movement in a direction.
The wolf can be imitated by making a noise like him but after people had formed a tongue for themselves  [[strikethrough]]it is not behelp [[strikethrough]] they would have found a better way of naming the thing, which they would have founded on his form or some remarkable habit. But form is only another name for motion. Form was made by modelling & is seen by running the attention round it. & the deaf express [[strikethrough]]this [[strikethrough]] every animal [[strikethrough]] either [[strikethrough]] by a simple movement showing either his form (generally of the head), or his habits. But if we describe a habit this is a motion just the same.

I can see no place for language to get the start from except from motion [[strikethrough]] & with a few [[strikethrough]] but with a few very very few motions every idea can easily be given by combinations of them  [[strikethrough]] for a basis,  [[strikethrough]]

The most delicate idea & the one seemingly farthest removed from movement is perhaps color. But high or up as verbs would easily give the idea of blue except in France, and down  [[strikethrough]] of  [[strikethrough]] or fall could say black & to steal or take away or [[strikethrough]] such  [[strikethrough]] might say white [[strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]] as in bleach, [[So ?]] if Webster connects bleach with leech closely I remember he connects it with black.

The way in which our sounds are representing motion is almost felt rather than to be accounted for. The sound is of course a motion in itself. A root