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odd looking young lady that I had a year or two ago , who we all had then taken, the one who had hers taken in so many different positions with the black curly hair (Well I am endeavoring to paint a 3/4 lengths of her about 18 inches tall I doesn't look something like this. [[sketch of woman in outfit inserted]] The original is very charming in colour Black for cape, Black [[?]] dress and Blk. hat with white bird on it and a grayish old gold background I got quite a good likeness the first time I guess it must have been by luck as it is a thing that doesn't very often happen in my work
The young lady is perfectly daft on theatricals she is a quite a sturdy but nearly talks me to death.
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I am awfully tired and it is rather doubtful light here so dont be
too hard on the writing.
              Boston Nov. 24/ /83
Dear Emmie;
          I thought you had forgotten your crushed artist friend but it was the fault of the letter carrier, who carried your last letter around with him for a week or two when I got it it was somewhat the worse for the wear I dont know whether he read it or not but anyway the envelope was somewhat delapitated.
  I was over to the Maples the eve. after Harry arrived but he was not there 
Your mother said it had been so long since he had seen Miss Freeman that he was obliged to go over an see her.