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However a letter from you about anything will be accepable [[acceptable]]. I might almost say pleasant. This may be taken with salt.   We got acquainted with an English fellow here at the hotel who knows all the fellows and it makes it quite pleasant he speaks French quite well, so we get him to order for us. There is helplessness for you. Dont [[Don't]] you think so!   I expect to join the school this week sometime.   We are now looking around for some place that is half way decent to live in, for we cant [[can't]] stand this hotel it is too nasty for yours truly also for Mr.C.   I am afraid the beds are not as free from B.B's as they might be and they are not pleasant bed fellows.   I suppose the usual student is glad of any thing for company but I draw the line at b.b's.    I never have been so cold at this time of year in my like [[life]] as I have been in London and Paris.   I have all my winter clothes and am still cold, but the women here go about without their hats on and with nothing but slippers on their feet.   Their teeth chatter more than yours do when you have one of those nervous attacks.
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Pardon the comparison wont [[won't]] you?   Paris is a great place for dogs; they are barking and fighting all the time. I saw one this morning riding on a horses back. The horse was trotting along and the dog was clawing for dear life to keep on while the drive [[driver]] cracked his whip and did'nt [[didn't]] seem to mind the agony the poor dog was in.

One sees lots of queer sights in Paris. The cab drivers wear tin hats in the shapes of our [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] silk hats and painted white or black as the case may be.  They all have a long snapper on their whips and keep up a constant cracking.  It sounds like Fourth of July all day long and every day.   Give my love to all the family: there wont [[won't]] be much left after you take your share. Do you think there will?

Please answer one or all of these within five minutes after you receve [[receive]] them and address them to E.C.T. care Perier frères et Cie. Paris. France. 

You really have no idea how I long to see you and also to hear from you.  Please write me a nice long letter for I feel awfully lonely here at night and usually wish I was at The Maples.  Love to all I will write to Harry soon.  With heaps of love.  Dont [[Don't]] forget my mother.  Will you darling  yours Ned.
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