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women pile on the paint about four feet thick and the men dont seem to notice it. The horses here are fine, great large fellows and most all fat except the coupé horses, they are rather slight to say the least. They drive their horses three abreast on their busses. Their buss is something like our omnibusse only about twise as large and they only charge 3 cts. to ride on top and six inside. They have a spiral staircase arrangement at the back to get to the top and ladies and everyone rides on top in pleasant weather and all get off and on while the buss is in motion. They think you are insane if you want them to stop to get on. We tried it one day and all the passengers and the conductor looked at us as if we were escaped lunatics and then smiled to each other as much as to say, "The poor fools they will learn better if they live long enough, but the funniest part of it was that they did'nt stop at all and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] left us there swearing.

We are very pleasantly situated where we are now. We are going to have a room apiece, quite good sized rooms they are with a chance to have a fire. (if you pay for it) and we even have a lamp which we also had to pay for. It seems more like home than anything we have seen in Paris. 

There are five Bostonians here at the house Louis Aldriches [the actor?] family. I suppose you know him he is the My Partner man.  Mrs. A. a daughter a son and a thing that is going to be a son in law

Transcription Notes:
There is an interlineation towards the end of the document, but I could not figure out if it was text that should be inserted in the transcription or just some stray marks. Also, if it was text, I wasn't certain where it would be placed. Reviewer: I edited an error and perhaps it says "the actor" for the interlineation? I looked him up and he's a stage actor. Please review again. Next reviewer: There was a word transcribed as "insecure", but I think that the word used by the author is "insane". That word looks right and it fits in the context of the paragraph because the author also writes about looking like "escaped Lunatics". I marked the word with a [[?]]] to call attention to it for the next reviewer.