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hour and then next morning I had a head on me as large as a bushel basket. Well Sullivan came in and asked if he could'nt do something for me he came in again at night and has been every day since to ask how I was getting along. Well my friends who came from the same school and the one who came over with me have not been near me since the first morning and they only once came in. I never met such a slim crowd in my life. I can tell you I felt rather blue that night when I found I was going to be sick and no one as I thought to help me. I shall never forget Dr. Gallison as long as I live. It makes a fellow think of home at such times; you see I could not make myself understood and I dont know what I should have done had it not been for the kindness of Dr. G. Well [[strikethrough]]no [[/strikethrough]] now that the other Dr. [[strikethrough]] kows [[/strikethrough]] knows how the fits are it isnt so bad. I would like to know how many times I thought of you and home and wondered if I should ever see you again. That's the way I feel when I am blue. Now I will go on with my story as I have expended myself on the sick question. However one more [[strikethrough]] wond [[/strikethrough]] word; one reason that I have felt so blue since I have been here is because I have been sick every day since I have been here not very sick but just sick enough. A little dizzy head, just enough so you cant see the model and the next a cold and the next a tooth ache. in fact I have had a large time so far Now I trust you wont tell any of the folks. Will you? I shall prob. be all right as soon as I get climated. Until then we will struggle.

Last night as I came up town one of the fellows wanted me to go over to see the statue of Liberty that is to be in New York harbor. I expected to see a large statue but when I turned the corner of the street and saw this huge


black thing rising up against the sky above the tops of the houses I was startled; it gives you a sort of fright when you first see it. It is so big and sombre. I dont think anyone can have any idea of the size of it until [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] they see it.

When we got up there it was just about dusk, and it stood out very strong against the evening sky. I made a quick sketch of it. The things at the left and just below it are the houses and the lamp on the right was quite close, so that I looked up at the bottom of it. 

The scratchy lines around the figure are ment to be the staging. In her right hand she holds a torch in which there is to be an electric light and she is supposed to be enlightening the world with it. I am going to get a situation on one of the morning papers to write up  the sights of Paris and dog fights &c. &c. Dont you think I will do splendidly. Yesterday a friend of mine and yours truly went on a sketching trip about P. We walked about a good deal but did not make many sketches and those only little pen and inks. I will send one or two of them. I have been trying ever since I have been here to get a sketch of some of those horses I wrote about in my last but so far have not succeeded very well. However I tried a few yesterday and will send them [[strikethrough]] herto [[/strikethrough]] also They are only heads and may be you cant tell what they are. I showed them to madame, she liked them very much but as I glanced over where she was looking at them, I saw, she had one of the horses heads up-