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of a stove would answer the same purpose as the fires? they have in this benighted country.

Well the other day we walked down Regent St. and came to a store where they have Indian and Persian rugs and all sorts of Japanese goods so being of an inquisitive turn of mind we went in and priced some of their draperies such as mother has over the dining room windows that gauze stuff. We found that it was marvelously cheap but not cheap enough for poor art students, so we asked them if they had any remnants or soiled peaces and then it was that we struck it. I bought quite a lot of them, one peace I should think a least 6 ft. by 4 or 5 of the most beautifull colors pale yellows and greens and pinks; it is perfectly lovely; then I got a peace of light cream with pink and blue figures on it also a peace of salmon coloured stuff with figures [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] of deeper salmon and greenish blue and one of dark red with gold embroydery [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] etc. on it and the whole thing only cost $5. I wish you could see them I know you would say they were perfectly lovely. 

I am also going to buy a leopard skin for my room before I leave as they are awfully


cheap. I priced some the other day and find that I can get a beauty for 6 or 7 dollars, the same as you would have to give 20 or 30 for at home. The stuffs that I bought are all this beautifull gauze material and when the light shines through them or when you lay them over another peace of cloth or a chair they make the most beautifull colours you ever saw; just the thing for a studio. If I could only get some more stuffs as cheap I think it would be money in my pocket to buy them. Today is a fine day, that is for London; it is just like that yellow day that we had some years ago only worse; so you can imagine what fine weather we have here. When I say it is worse I really mean it; not only is the sky yellow but the fog is so thick that they had the gas lit at half past two: They say that some days in winter when they have what they call the black fog that it is nearly as black as night and the street lamp are lit and in fact it is just like night. I think I never saw so much misery in my life as I have seen since I have been in London. We usually go through the [[strikethrough]] Se [[/strikethrough]] Seven dials when we walk down town: This section is considered one the worst in London and