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donna artista, the one with the muslin saucer; like this [[image]] She was tuff They all are. I never saw one who did fire herself inside out, then rush to the back of the stage and walk acrost diagonally to the footlights on the end of her toes. This one did the time honoured trick and got the usual amount of applause. Then she took another form of the disease. She gathered herself up bodily and gave a tremendous jump in the air, turning around several times at the same time and landed something like this [[image]] That is not supposed to be a photographic likeness of her. Well after a while she got short of breath and retired much to my relief. I saw her after-ward riding acrost the back of the scene in a golden boat drawn by 4 or 5 white swans. She was breathing hard and perspiring quite freely. I beg pardon. She was all of 

Transcription Notes:
[[image - sketch of dancer]] "saucer"=tutu?