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put our things in the room, went down and interviewed the proprietor about theatres and started off. We brought up at the Eden. 

Saw a very good show and a very nice theatre and went home? to sleep the sleep of the just. This morn we got up at 7.15, took breakfast and started to see Brussels. Which we did pretty thoroughly for the time. We went to the Pallais de Justice which is situated on the top of the hill, the highest point in the city.

It is the largest building that has been built in modern times, is about 5000 feet sq. and the dome is 400 feet from the ground. Built of white marble and granite and is very imposing. It is the finest building I was ever in and cost $10,000000. Then we went to the Museum, which contains the finest collection of pictures in the Netherlands. Lots of Rubens and all the old fellows, and a very fine collec. of modern paintings.

After that we went to St. Michaels Cath. It is a beautiful old place, was begun, I think in 1200 and something. Then we went to see them making Brussels lace
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Brussels Dec. 17 1884

My Darling little Emmie,

We started on our voyage of discovery on Monday eve. We left on the 8 [[oclock?]] by the way of Harwich. Mr. Gallison did'nt get any money so he could not come with us. 

Graves and I started alone, much to the horror of Mrs. Flecher. She said, "Those boys, the idea of their starting off alone where they dont know a word of the language." Well we pump everyone who speaks English and let the rest go. We got our tickets right through to Munich.  We also got checks on the Hotels where they speake English. We have coupons on these hotels which entitle us to a dinner, a supper or breakfast and a room. On first class hotels; so we know just how much it will cost us. All we have to do when we get to a place is to take a cab and say to the man, Drive to this hotel and show him which one you want. When we get there we talk in our native tongue. Ask them what there is to see
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