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and then just get out and see it. We have maps of the towns and guide books so we manage to see a good deal. 

We got into Antwerp yes. morn. It was beautiful going into A. the river winds in and out, in and out and you see the city a long while before you get anywhere near it. It was a lovely morn Just such as we have in May and going up the river there were lots of those duch [[Dutch]] fishing boats, either lying on the mud or sailing lazily up and down the river.

When we got ashore a half dozen men rushed up and asked us where we were going. We told them: when one grabbed our luggage and rushed off with it. He  walked like a steam engine and we would have to yell to him every minute or so to stop, till we got up. We christened him George. He was funnier than a whole family of goats.

We went up to the hotel and then George took us down to to see the sights. We saw the Cathedral of Notre dame. It is one of the finest in Europ. and was built in the 1400 century. It contains one of the

finest confessional boxes in the world, carved out of solid oak. It also contains Rubens celebrated master peace. "The decent from the cross. 

They were just holding mass when we were there and the insence was going full blast. The figures around the altar in red with white and gold crosses on their backs were stunning also the boys in white surplices who held the lamps with the insence. We did'nt wait till the service was over but went out to see another church. When George went in to the church he dutifully crossed himself with holey? water; but when we were coming out some one volunteered to show us more than he did and he immediately told them to to the hot place: righ in the church. Well we thought we would scream, it was so funny. In the aft. we went to the Museum and about the town. The Museum contains a great many fine examples of Rubens and Van Dyke  We also saw a large statue of Van in the square front of the Museum. At 6.50 we took the train for Brussels and got here about 8. We drove direct to the hotel