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frightfully tired travelling so much and you never know where you are going to sleep the next night One night on the boat, one on the cars, two in hotels that we never saw before and tonight on the train again. It just uses a fellow up. Thank heaven we get into Munich tomorrow if nothing breaks. Ten hours from here and I suppose we have to pile out a couple of times and change cars on the way. Run the risk of getting the wrong train as we dont speak one blessed word of ger. I dont think german is blessed but that sounds better than what I think so I put it in.  

I hope you can read this for I cant. You blowed me up well for saying that last time. However I forgive you. The idea of saying that you dont write plain. A two year old child could read your writing. How is that for a compliment? I ment it to be a good one. I wonder if you miss your poor artistic admirer as much as he does you. Write and tell me in answer to this: Wont you please? I know you dont like please but that one slipped out without my knowing it. Wont you write me a nice long letter dear and say for this wonderfull description of the scenery of the Rhine. Ill study up the guide book before my next    

and tell you what I have seen. I can tell better by that than by my memory. You know that is very faulty. Will you tell me truly if these letters bore you? Honestly now, do they? Graves is sleeping and is lolling on the table of the dining room in the Hotel de Bruxelles half asleep. You should see us. If you did'nt know you might think we owned the hotels that we stop at. 

He is a first rate fellow to travel with. It dont make the least difference to him whether he can speak a word of the language or not. If he sees anything in a store that he wants he walks right in and asks for it in English and if they dont understand he walks [[strikethrough]] ofvr [[/strikethrough]] over and takes it and points to his purse and says, how much? It is good as a circus to see him. He keeps me in roars all the time. He says that a fellow that cant get what he wants when he has the money in his pocket is a [[blank space]] fool. You can imagine what the word is that I left out. I had two