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The moustache has all grown out and look fine if it was'nt for the face I would be good looking

Munich Dec. 27./84

My darling Emmie -

We had a very lively Xmas: in fact after having experienced one german Xmas I dot think I should be afraid to live in a cemetary. The night before we thought we would go out to the theatre and spend the night in true American fashion. Having walked about a mile or two to the place we found it closed. We thought that probably the manager had died suddenly so started for another with the same result; we also noticed that all the stores were closing up and that all the people bearing Xmas trees seemed to be hurrying home. We went back to the hotel to ask the cause of all these things, not without some fear that they might be closed and on asking one of the waiters, we found out that it was Holy Night and that every one went home and at 12 oclock got up and went to mass. Well that just parallized 

us. We did'nt know what to do but finally concluded that we had better go to our room and make the best of it. So we sat down and played cards till 11. and then went to bed. Oh! by the way, you should see us doing that trick. We have races every night to see who shall put out the light. The last one in bed has to put it out much to the amusement of the other. Last night while we were playing cards, I noticed Graves smiling to himself; it seems that he was trying to steal a march on yours truly by taking off his shoes on the sly. I immediately made a dash for the bed, although it was only half past eight. He says that if I could dress as quick as I undress I would take a prize.

We are working like slaves to regain our fallen fortunes. Making Xmas cards which we expect to sell in London. Expect to make $200 or $300 a peace. Monday I go down to draw or rather