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to join a drawing class. I am obliged to make some drawings to get into the academie. I don't know as I can get in there as there are about 100 more now that they have acomodations for. These germans are very funny. In the first place they invariably hich one horse into a two horsed team. I saw a swell out to ride the other day with one horse hiched that way. It looks so funny to see them driving along with the horse away off one side of a long pole and nothing on the other side.

These people stare at us as if we were wild animals: probably because our clothes fit. That being a thing that theirs never do. They are the most impolite race of people I ever met. I believe I told you that they all use their knives to eat with. You should see them, they can put 5 or 6 courses on one knife at a time. By the way we have 9 courses at dinner every day and 

live at a swell hotel. Price $1.25 per day. Dont think we could do that in America.

Next month I suppose we will be living in the sewer. You know every german has to serve so long in the army: well it makes a queer looking lot. About 3/4 of them wear glasses and the rest are either lame, bow legged or knock[[strikethrough]]ed[[/strikethrough]] kneed. I have endeavored to make you a few that have impressed themselves on my mind. The head of the woman is from life and is a fair type of german woman. They dont look as intelligent as our servants and are not as well dressed. They seem like a good every day sort of people but no style. The sun has'nt been out since I have been here but it is very clear and cold: every thing is frozen up hard with a little snow on the ground.

They say the sun dont get out more than once a month in winter and I