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a very jolly party and has kindly invited me to join them. They leave tomorrow for Rome then they return to Paris and I expect to see them then as I fly for that infected spot on the first of March.

I dont know how many times I have told you this but hope not more than once before. I think now I shall accept her kind invitation as it is better than going alone. So if nothing happens I shall be with you about the first of May. If Paris is clear of chol. I shall stay from first of March till the second week in April and study hard as I think if anyone needs that same it is your humble servant. 

I nearly finished my girls head this morn and will put on the finishing touches tomorrow and then have it photographed. Last night we played casino and Miss Otis and I got beaten not so good luck as you and the Gov. had. Miss O. is the Am. girl I have'nt found out her whole history yet but believe she is engaged as she writes 16 pages home twice a week. I think that is good pluck but mighty poor judgment. Dont you?

Some of the Italian soldiers are stunningly picturesque: there is one regiment that wears hats like this. [[image]] The whole of one side of the hat and part of the top is covered with these long greenish black feathers and they always wear a big cloak.

Then some of the others wear these kind of caps [[image]] all trimmed with gold lace and a cadet blue cloak thrown over their shoulders. Black tight fitting jacket trimmed with heavy black cord and black trousers with a bright yellow stripe. I tell you they are very giddy. Oh: I forgot to tell you that the man that eats next me at the table looks so much like Dan Lyons that I am tempted to slap him on the back every time I come in. The only trouble is that he is italian and dont speak english at all. It seems he has a history or rather a very great misfortune. He lost his