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bed, the one next the wall. Yours truly has won every time much to the disgust of brother G. 

I think if any of our friends should see us here they would take us for full fledged tramps. I cant say what the boarders at the house think of us but I guess they will have to stand it as all our cloths are in London and money is about 150 degrees below par. We are having a jolly time though and hope to get some good out of it.

Sorry the model is sick as I should have finished the old master if she had not been. When I get it done I will send you a photo of it. It is better than I usually do and that is the best I can say for it. We expect to have a great time here during the carnival. The last three days of it no one works but every one dresses in fancy costumes and all go out with masks on to have a good time. All the town

will be decorated and at night every thing will be illuminated and there will be fire works and all the stuff that goes with a regular racket. I never have seen a regular carnival and think it will be quit a novelty. 

Havent seen any new sights since last writing so cant enliven this with any of my celebrated discriptions?

I guess they are more celebrated for lack of discriptions than for anything else. There is a [[strikethrough]] lihner [[/strikethrough]] line of steamers on the grand canal now and ever time one goes by the gondoliers call them all sorts of names. You see they not only take away their trade but they make such a wash that every time one goes by the gondoliers go thump, thump against the wall or any thing else they happen to be near. It is great fun to hear the men yell at them.

I suppose that is might startle a sensitive