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this [[image]].  The heal always projects about ten inches over the stern.

This is the way their stockings look. [[image]]  I should think they were at least half or three quarters of an inch thick and are worn out side of the trowsers, the same as farmers wear their boots at home.

I must confess that the Venetians are more picturesque though.

I guess I will have to stop now as I have pretty well exhausted my self for topics.

With love to all and lots for yourself
As ever

Jan 29.


Tonight is I think the lovliest moonlight night I ever saw, the colour is so beautiful that I dont know how to describe it so wont try but it is wonderful I never saw anything like it

Just now a boat load of singers are under the window, three or four singing and two or three playing on instruments, the boat is all decorated with chinese lanterns and it all seems so much like fairy land that I can hardly make myself believe it is real.

There is'nt a ripple in the water and the air is as clear as a bell and as warm as September.  How I wish you were here and could see it all with me.  About postage you can send a letter to any part of Europe for five cts.  I am frightfully tired tonight as I worked all day out of doors so will say good night with lots of love.
