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[[??]] and some quite pretty. One was made entirely of small shells another of match boxes. These match boxes are small and all have pictures on them. Then there were men in cavalier costumes, some in comic some in dominos. Two girls had the hardihood to appear in tights; one of them had a very pretty costume, something like this [[image]] Florentine students shouldn't costume I think. Light blue and cream. Squash seeds were the correct thing for refreshments with an orange sandwiched in now and then.

We are going some night to the small ball at the theatre I suppose they have a large time then.  

So Tom Smith did the gallant did he? Well you were very cruel to dispatch him so quickly. It must have been an awful strain on your nerves though I don't exactly see how you got through the ordeal. Mother wrote me that you lost your bonnet, it was too bad. The pin was invaluable; I think the damages will be about $1.500.000.  You can pay when you like. So Maud is quite the go is she! Well allow me to congratulate her; though how any one can prefer her to a certain young lady I know is more that I can say, even if the young lady in question doesn't talk too much. Now I think that is quite a neat compliment and don't mention the thanks. How I should like to drop in and see you doing the honors in the kitchen. Well I will some day if nothing happens and when you least expect it.

Well we stand in the square and serve them dinner till most eleven