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making trousers so I guess he is a decent tailor; but I tell you the suit he wears himself would scare a south cove rough The checks in the coat are as large as four of these squares in this paper, and they were light brown and green. The whole thing bound with a braid a half an inch wide. So you think that if you should see a gondolier in the night you would pinch very hard; well I dont know but what you would. I dont think I would object to one of these pinches if I could only see you for a while. You want to know if you are to blame for my coming home. Now that is a direct question: I should always avoid asking direct questions. Its a bad habit; but seeing its you I will forgive you this time and tell you that you and mother are the cause. Now dont go back on a fellow and say you dont want me to come with you? It seems to me funny to hear about sleighing and coasting and all that when it is so warm here and for the last few days we have been having regular summer clouds in the sky; those great soft white ones, that float along so majestically. 

The english girls [[strikethrough]] brocke [[/strikethrough]] broke me all up with her sketches. I guess I'll give up the business and go to shovelling mud. She wanted [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] me to send two of mine to the Royal Academie but hardly think I will get them done in time. I dont know, but what I would if I could as there is nothing like trying.

Now dearest I have covered four pages of this paper and hav'nt told you half I want to but guess Ill have to let it go till next time. Sorry I could'nt get more news on so large a peace of paper but as a news gatherer I think I'm no good.

Good night darling with lots of love from Ned.

Regards to every one.