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My dearest little Emmie, 

I didn't get a chance to post this Saturday so will torture you with a lot more stuff.

Today we went to see the Academie for the first time. All the pictures are old, there being nothing later than 1600 or there abouts. Of course there are some very fine pictures Titians "Assumption" being I suppose the masterpiece of the place and also his masterpiece. Then there are a lot of pictures by old italian artists, many of them of saints in the most hideous positions and some that reminded me of [[?]] in Patience.

A good many of them almost give me the horrors to look at.  One in particular I remember of an old saint being tied to a cross by two men while a third cut a slice of steak from his leg; it was a horrible thing to look at except the saint's head; that didn't look as if he was suffering at all; but rather as if he was enjoying the process. Another terrible one was of the Crucifiction: the figures of the thieves (I believe they were thieves.) one on each side of Christ were something dreadful to look at: They were mere skeletons. I shouldn't think by their personal appearance that the calling they pursued was very lucrative. That's fine

Then there were a lot of old saints and sinners of every style and size. Also beasts and virgins and I don't know what else. Altogether it was a very dreary show to me and came nearer giving me the good old fashioned indigo blues than