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greatly disappointed as well as disgusted because it has been so smooth. He wanted to see a regular hurricane but was happily disappointed this time. For my part I am perfectly satisfied to have it smooth, it suits me better that way. 

This morn after lunch we had quite an excitement; we were all sitting in the smoking (I was not smoking) room when we heard the greatest blowing and flapping as if everything was going to be torn off and blown away.

The Captain rushed out of the room and everyone seemed to be shouting and all the men, I mean the male passengers, seemed to be vieing with each other as to who could solve the mistery first; some thought the wind had shifted others 


the machinery had broken, which latter proved to be right. It seems the steam steering aparatus had broken and so let the vessel go directly up into the wind and as most of the sails were set it made quite a racket to have them all flapping back the wrong way. After a few minutes five or six of the men got down to the wheel at the stern, which they always have in case of immergencies, and headed her about, not however till they had lost quite a little time. I served to vary the monotony of the day and to give us something to talk about.

Yesterday we made 324 miles being the best run we have made