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The Capt. says we will get into L. at about 6 Tuesday morn if nothing happens.  There I think I have told you every thing that has happened of importance and a good deal that is not.  I haven't seen anyting as yet that was powerfully interesting to write you about.

What, oh by the way we, that is Frank and I have not shaved since the second day out but haven't fully decided as yet to let our beards grow.  I think I shall shave mine off after I see how it looks.  

At present it makes me sick when I look in the glass: which I do as seldom as possible.

Now I want to know all about your dear self; what you are doing and what you have done but of course you will tell me all when you write.  Now my darling I 


think I will stop as I have to write to mother and Sophia and Gus &c.

Give my regards to all the family &c. and let Gus have that picture if your grandma doesn't want it.

Good night darling with heaps of love from your Ned

Remember me to all your relatives who may inquire for me also to Auntie Minnie
