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Euston Sq. Oct. 30. 83

My own darling Emmie.

Since my last we have been dreadfully busye both on ship and on shore.  After I finished my letter on the vessel we had it quite blowey and the last night the Capt. rather made a miss-calculation and did not see Fastnet light, that is the first light that is sighted on Irish coast.

It seems that this is the first time that he has missed it since he has had this ship;  some three years.  We were some fifty miles south of it and so came right into Queenstown without going along the coast.  Then after we left Queenstown we had it smooth but cold till we got up to the bar


outside of Liverpool:  then it blew about half a gale.  The night before we got in (that's the night after we left Queenstown) we had quite a musicale.  A Gentleman got on at Q. who proved to be the organist of the place, so he played the piano, the Rangoon Warbler [[strikethrough]] played No [[/strikethrough]] sung, and Mr. Davis the English fellow sang:  he had a stunning voice.  Mrs. Preston sun;  she also had a nice voice and a Mr. Haynes played on his guitar.

After most of the passengers had gone down to tea at 9.30 P.M. Mrs Preston and Davis sang two or three duets and Davis sung "A Warrior Bold.

Taking it all in all we had a very enjoyable evening