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Last night we went to see Olivia at Henry Irving's theatre, The Lyceum. It is founded on Vicar of Wakefield and I think is one of the most lovely things I ever saw. Ellen Terry was perfectly wonderful as Olivia.

The first scene opens in the Vicarage garden on the 25" inniversary of the vicars marriage and they are having a little celebration in consequence First the school master comes in leading the village children and they all sing a little anthem to the good vicar and his family. Then others of the guests arrive, among them the vicar's next door neighbor who, when all the other guests are in an other part of the grounds, tells the vicar that one of the firm, with which the vicar has deposited all his money, has absconded with 

everything and left him (the vicar) penniless In the mean time Squire Thornhill Olivia's lover, who [[strikethrough]] is not [[/strikethrough]] has been out fox hunting and has not yet appeared. Olivia becomes very nervous and watchfull so much so that the vicar notices it [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] and rather jokes her about it. finally he does come and in the course of his talk with Olivia we discover that they were secretly engaged and that she has promised not to tell of it. There also appears the squire's uncle, on whos money and estates the squire, who is in reality a young profligate, lives.

The uncle is in disguise [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] as he has heard rumors of the wild ways of his nephew and has come to see if they are true; at the same time he has fallen in love [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] with the vicar's daughter and she