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everyone welcomes her home except her mother, who is rather disagreeable but finally relents and forgives Olivia.  Then the scene changes and [[strikethrough]] for five [[/strikethrough]] we see a view of the vicar's garden again on Xmas morn. with the sun just rising and snow on the ground.  

Here in came the young squire and his uncle.  The uncle has forgiven his nephew and the nephew, who is in reality in love with Olivia in spite of the mean way he has treated sets himself to work to win back her love and all ends presumably with Xmas bells ringing and the landscape tinted with a golden light from the rising sun.  This last scene is the lovliest thing that I ever saw on any stage and Miss Terry's acting of Olivia and Mr. Terriss' of the young squire were very fine.  I think Miss Terry, in spite of her age, the best actress I ever saw she just tickles me almost to death.  On the whole it was one of the finest performances I ever saw.  Irving was good but not equal to the other.  I think dear I shall write one more letter to you before I leave and then you will hear from me in Paris where I hope to do good work and get ahead a little.  Now my darling what are you doing and have you begun your french and are you well  

Tell me all about your dear self and don't omit any little boring things that you may think silly.

I am feeling very well indeed and hope to so continue.

Au revoir darling with all the love you can imagine

Perrier Fréres & Cie
59 Rue de Provence
Paris, France