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of doors. The school is very much crowded; I think more so than ever before, as they took most of the prizes last year.

I don't see much of the other boys except at noon then we [[strikethrough]] ail [[/strikethrough]] all dine together. The place that we first went to live was so bad that we could not stand it and so only staid there one night; then we hunted around and found this place it is very good and $5 cheaper per month than at the [[Dis??]] where were last year. The lady who keeps it seems like a nice woman and I think I shall like as well as I could like any place without you. I will write you more about it when I know more myself. Just at present I am rather ignorant.  

I don't have near as much trouble with french as I did last year and hope in 5 or 6 months to know quite a little. I know little enough now Heaven knows. Mother wrote me about you going to Mr. [[Thorndikes??]] together and to the museum. I hope you had a nice time and enjoyed yourself as well as you could. She also told me about the [[??]] party that you did not attend.

Don't let the cold get the best of you will you dear?  I have[[?]] a [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] quite a nice little room on the 3 floor with a stove that is a cross between a hole in the wall, an open grate and a set range.

I am just trying it for the first time and it smokes dredfully; but I guess I can stand it as long as I am writing to you. It seems so nice and quiet with no one to disturb me here that I think I could sit and write to you all night if I did  not have to study french.

I just had a little conversation with the chamber maid; who is a man, I think I came off second best: it was in french! However I made him understand and that is more than he made me do, though it was not his fault. Are you going to study french