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5  this winter dear? We have someone in 
the house here who teaches French. Wouldn't
you like to take of him (or her) as the case may be. I wish dear that I could smoke, it must be lots [best guess] of company: in fact I know it is but I can'tsmoke and so what is the use in talking about it. You don't know how I dred to go down to the school tomorrow it is worse to me than pulling a tooth a good deal: but I suppose the sooner I do it the sooner it will be over, so I think I will try it. If I
can't stand it I shall stop and look for something else to do. Someone who I can study with.

Mother said Mr. Blakslee wrote Mr. Nickerson how much he liked the chromo of Winnie. I think I shall get plenty of advertising if
I only paint something decent, and I shall try to do that. Don't

6  you think so dear?  If I could only
see your dear face and give you one
good kiss I think I could go to work
with better grace. Can't you [[strikethrough]] mange [[/strikethrough]]
manage to have your photo taken and
send me [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough] one. You know I have
only that one that you had taken in 
Richmond and it looks no more like
you than I do. Won't you have
some taken just to oblige your future
hub? If you do: get them up real stunning.  You know how I like to see you look dear.  Callinder was up from the country last week
and we think some of hiring a studio together. I hope he will for he is the best fellow here by all odds. I am sorry to say I don't think Frank means very well, he is
too positive. When he use to call his sister a liar because she didn't agree with him I rather thought he
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