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I am in some ways. I am studying french a little but have not got far yet. If I should come home next summer we might study it together and read and translate that would be rather great. Wouldn't it darling? But then if I came home next summer I hardly think we could get married unless someone left us some money; and you wouldn't want me to come over again without you and I shouldn't like to do it. Would you rather do that and see me next summer or wait till I got back after two years? 

Oh! darling I hope I may get along this year as fast as I want to but of course we never do that. I will have to stop now as the first bell for dinner has rung and the second one will ring in a minute. Aurevoir dearest.

Sunday A.M. I didn't get a chance to finish my letter after dinner as one of the boys came up from the country and of course we had to talk with him.

He has been down ever since last spring and has been painting all the time and has just come up from there to start for home. He dont seem particularly crazy to go back and says he will come over just as soon as he can get the money.

Frank thinks it is going to be too expensive for him here so I expect he will depart when his month is up.

He is going to hire a room and take his meals out. I tried that last time and dont think I can stand it but then he is tuffer than I am. He is going acrost the river over where all the boys are. It is what is called the Latin quarter. All the students live there and it is very cheap and I guess very unhealthy.