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Paris Nov. 19. | 83

Dear Emmie,

I want you to read your letter of the 3d again and see what you think of it. I think to outside people it looked as if you and your brother went down and asked Mr. –– to go to ride. I dont doubt your word in the least but, think when you knew my sentiments on the matter then you might have told your brother that you did not want him to go.

I want now to ask a favor of you and it is the last I shall ever ask of this kind. If you love me as I think you do I dont think it will be very hard. Will you cut Mr. –– dead and never speak to him again or go where he is or go [[strikethrough]]where[[/strikethrough]] anywhere when he is going: and will you tell your brother that you [[strikethrough]]cant[[/strikethrough]] dont desire to have anything to do with Mr. –– in any way, shape or manner. I cant possibly 

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tell you how badly I feel over what you wrote. Nothing you ever did or said made me feel so badly as this has done. I feel as if I had'nt a friend in this world: I feel utterly alone in the world and I never experienced anything like it before.

It seems to me as if someone was trying to get us to quarrel and I could not help myself. Maybe I take this matter too much to heart but I cant help it when I think of the talks we had on this matter and what you said then. I mean when you last went to ride in his company.

I cant see the difference you make except the other time he called for you and this time you called for him. I want you to try and think of how it seems to me here alone. For God's sake darling if you do love me tell me you will do this that I ask and I will be happy.