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until then life is not worth living.

This is the fourth letter I have written in answer to yours and all the others were so bad I could not send them. I did not know how to write or what to say. It made me so sick that I could'nt work or sleep or eat; in fact I could do nothing but think of it. 

Until I get an answer I will try and live on in hopes. My darling this is the fifth letter in succession in which you have put that mans name and I really cant stand it. To think that the girl I am going to marry would be seen on the street with such a thing after I had told her what kind of a man he was. It seems as you did'nt believe what I said or care what I thought as long as you amused yourself. I am [[strikethrough]] wt [[/strikethrough]] writing just what I think and want you to answer just as you

would if I was at home.

I could'nt stand it to know that you were associating with such people as that man is it would break my heart. My own darling this is the last time I shall ever mention this matter. Only tell me you will do both the things I have asked and I will be perfectly happy but if you dont feel that you can do it I want you to say so plainly

Why dont you hate that man and your brother when you know they they are trying to separate us. Every one knows that that has been the way they act. Tell me darling that you do dislike him and wont have any more to do or say to him and I will never ask any thing else of this kind. I feel so sick and lonely that I cant write any more so good bye darling
With all the love imaginable
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