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Paris, Nov. 21. 85.

My dearest love,

I hope you will take my last letter the way I ment and do as I desire and remember how much I love you and how far we are apart. I got a letter yesterday aft. from you dated 6" and you had not received my first. I guess it was due the 7 or 8". I think that was about the time it should have got there.

You cant imagine how often I stop and wonder what you are doing at home: only last night Al. and I were talking and he said how [[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] would you like to drop in on Miss Souther this evening? I said "well I am afraid I would. "just a little": but the time will pass quickly now dearest and we will soon be together again: if nothing happens. 

The old professeur gave me a big blowing up this week and it rather took the starch out of me but I 
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just turned over the paper and took a new deal and think I did better the second time. He did not come around Fryday as his wife died Thursday and the school closed Friday out of respect to her. If I can only draw I guess we wont starve but I dont learn half fast enough because I have to take so much pains not to get sick. it is an awful nuisance.

We have been having a week of as fine weather as you could wish to see. The sun has been out for 7 consecutive days. It started last Sunday and lasted till this morn.

Now it is raining and I suppose we will have rain for the next month to make up for it.

This beastly old fire is smoking so that I shall have to get up and [[strikethrough]] close [[/strikethrough]] open the window. I got a letter from Sophia the same time I got 
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