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The nigger threw the white man twice in succession and then they passed around the hat for him.  Afer [[After]] that two of the boys had a little sparring match, in all it took up about half an hour.  Being Saturday and about noon we did'nt mind loosing [[losing]] the half hour.  They are a pretty good set of men at the school; when you get use [[used]] to them but I should never love them as I should a brother.  They are putting on the [[strikethrough]] extrar [[/strikethrough]] extra stones on the building next to us, and never stop for a little thing like Sunday.  Just now they are sawing some of the blocks of stone in [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] two and it makes an everlasting noise.

Your last letter was the nicest one you have written Love and I hope to have lots more like it.

Tomorrow we have to get up before breakfast as we wont get any place

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at school if we dont.  I have a partly finished letter to Graves that I must finish also have to write one to the dear mothers, one to the Nickersons, one to [[Ginge?]] [[Homer?]], the fellow who is in London and one to Mrs. Fletcher.  So you see I shall be kept pretty busy today.  I should like it better if I only had to write to my dearest then I could say all I want to her but we have to take some things as we find them and as all these people are kind to me I think I am in duty bound to write to them occasionally.  Dont you Love? 

I think I will write you just one more page in this letter and then close.  I only wish I had something interesting to write you about but have only my self and my plans.  Are those interesting enough to you to fill an eight [[eighth]] page