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that was all I wanted. They are thick enough to suit even you. How is that love? How fast the time flies, I have been in this blooming town a month this Wednesday and it seems no time at all till I think of home then it seems an age since I saw you. 

I don't mind being called your baby but if any one else said it I think I should rather kick. Last night I went to see Sarah Bernhardt in Theadora - it was gorgeous and the divine Sarah was divine as ever. But she is getting old and can't help showing it. She reminds me of a perfectly gorgeous snake or Miss McKay. They both have the same snakey way with them. The play is founded on a legend or a peace of later Roman history. This Emperor Justinian before he came to 

the throne was rather wild and among his other rash acts was to marry this circus rider Theadora (Sarah Bernhardt) and she always maintained more or less of a sway over him. Well Sarah has a lover who is plotting to murder the king and she is helping him. Justinian finds it out and captures him and they are both to be killed and the last scene is the prison where they are; she pours out some poison in a goblet to take when he, not knowing she has done it, drinks it, thinking it is water, expires leaving her alone. She is wonderful in this scene. The curtain goes down just as they are strangling her. Now I guess I will say good night I have to get up before breakfast tomorrow so as to get a place at school. Take care of yourself for my sake. Love to everyone and heaps for your self. Ned.