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Paris. Dec. 15 85.

My own darling loved one.

I got a short letter from you yesterday darling; it was short but sweet in fact the sweetest one you have written me. Nothing great has transpired since my last. In fact I only mailed it yesterday or day before. After I wrote it I travelled all over Paris to find some Xmas cards but could only find some American ones and they were these [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] little cheap ones such as we give to children so I gave it up in disgust. The things I saw I would'nt send to a church fair. So you can imagine how bad they were.

After travelling all over the place I gave up the card idea and made up my mind to wait till I saw something nice [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] for you and then send it if it was'nt too large and if it was to keep it till I came home. How is that for an idea

love? This week at Dannal's class I commenced two things but they were bad and so I scraped them both out. He did'nt seem to care much for them and I am sure I did'nt. This next week we have a different model and I hope to do better. The other one was a little boy: he was stunning but he had such a beastly cough that he could'nt keep still one minute. Yesterday I worked on my picture all the morning and then scraped it out. Today I worked all day and I think I put in the best days work I have yet done. I hope it will come out all right. 

Next month I am going back to Julius. (You know that is the school where we all go.) I think it will take me all this month to finish this picture. You know I wrote you that I stopped at Julius [[strikethrough]] fe [[/strikethrough]] for a rest because the air was so bad. I [[strikethrough]] thnk [[/strikethough]] think by next month