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April 13th,[1906]

Dearest Minnie
Your good news has [[rejoiced?]] me greatly, you know the French proverb, or rather saying, is that who has one child has none - I do feel very sorry for Mrs Van Rensselaer, for Frances tells me she is very anxious, You must tell her about the Fresneane Doctor, his wife had such a time with her baby, all the Doctors in the neighborhood were called in and they did manage to save her life. After wards she had phlebitis, and was ill for months - Well when the second baby was expected the husband began to brood over the future trouble, and [[upended?]] his mind, he must have been rather unbalanced, that he ended in being in an insane asylum, from worry two weeks before the child was born, and everything went most 

[[added in pencil]]

Transcription Notes:
and [[upended?]] very hard to decipher this word. I agree.