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naturally and easily with the birth! So you see - Frances rejoices greatly over another nephew or niece - She is looking remarkably well and pretty  She had a very becoming blue hat on and looked as blooming as a rosé - I think she would like to come back to study music next winter, she feels as if she had hardly begun.  Miss Sears heard her sing and says she has a sweet voice - She goes out to the country with Mrs Raddington Timmon until after Easter -

Of course I was delighted at the bank arrangement, Robs going in will enable his Uncle Gard to get away, and his nerves with stand a too long strain they may break down again, if he does not get a rest - I did so hope they would all be over here this summer but it is not to be - I was wondering if Rob was going to give up the coal business, but he keeps on so he 

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will be busy - I told him when [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] you were over here that he was on the road to [[ be a ? ]] [[Millemain, now he will have to learn the "métier" and take to collecting or libraries ?]]!  I hope not the latter - I am expecting the Havemeyers and already the art dealers are all agog, I hope to have Frances to meet Electra - Mrs Sears and her daughter are off to Holland for a few days, they want to take Frances home with them, but she thinks that too soon, and wants to enjoy a little good weather here after the dull winter.  On Thursday we had a sort of black fog all morning the result of the Vesuvius erruption!  It seemed impossible the dust and smoke could travel so far - Do you remember my wanting you to meet the