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after my two days which I enjoyed immensely. I came up with the Comtesse de Paris she was returning from the Christening in Madrid, and two nervous young royalists waiting at the station to greet her took me for her, for a moment.  It was a [[fatuous?]] attempt at a reception.  Mrs Hoff has had me in tow ever since I got back, it has been a horrid experience meeting these penniless girls and woman who come over here persuaded that they can make a living in Paris [[strikethrough]]pa[[/strikethrough]] by painting!  It is no less than madness, if the French had emigration laws they would not admit them -

It is too dear of you to ask me to join you, but I will see you in Paris.  I came out see about a "garage" my automobile won't go into the carriage house.  I 

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brought it out on Tuesday, it went beautifully but the chauffeur is an impudent English boy, Mr Hogan answers for him, and I left him in Paris with Mr Hogan responsible for the auto, until I can get some place to store it in - The family are at No 10. and for their sakes I hope the weather will warm up, for they have been almost frozen in England. It wasn't the months to go there. I am glad to hear that Elsie is able to go out, I am afraid she is having a hard time, if only Carlsbad helps her but I think those waters are very severe, and often do more harm than good - Carle