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here. We are mourning the loss of our pretiest puppy, poor little thing, it was so intelligent and affectionate, fortunately there are two left. 

Miss Lovell must be at Camp Hill by this time, I wrote to her before she left and hope she got the letters, tell her if her sister still thinks of selling the picture to send me a photo I will help - My love to your Mother and Frances and kindest regards to Mr Van Rensselaer, I wish I could have gone home with them, but I was afraid. I am glad all are well at Bar Harbour. Elsie sent me a photo of her baby, she must look like her Father. His Aunt Lennore filled two sheets of paper with an account of Alexanders charms, she said he has the loveliest little creature one could imagine, and ought to have his portrait painted. A kiss to him, and my best love to Rob and you dearest Minnie and hopes soon of good news of you and the baby 

Your Affectionate Aunt
Mary Cassatt