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donkeys! We have just passed a camel performing, or rather turning a crack, with palm trees for a background.  Of course you know all this, so I share you a description, but if ever Rob wants a thorough rest & change bring him up the Nile, I cannot imagine any one not benefiting by it, such air.  Your uncle Gard poor man has an attack of hives, & is unfortunately in bed, but we got a little Egyptian Doctor on board yesterday evening who prescribed & promises a cure for tomorrow.  I hope he will soon be up here on deck, we are being towed to Luxor & Assowan - all the party are happy, your Aunt Jennie looking so well & Eugenia now reconciled to travels abroad, though looking forward with delight to boarding school next winter.
We left Paris or rather I did to join them in Munich, on the 10th & we stopped at Vienna - Buda Pest Sofia & Constantinople, missed Athens on account of the quarantine, but mean to return that way.  It is a great change for me, I can hardly believe I am sitting on the deck of a dahabeya writing to you - While we were still in Paris, your brother John & his wife passed through coming from China.  I heard of her at Laperriene - I hope your Mother is enjoying her travels, from here