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falling, a snow storm that would do honor to any of our cities, I have never seen anything like it here. The wind the sun and the bracing air to make us forget the horrors we are living through. These terrible battles where neither side has the advantage. At Beaufresne the cannon is heard as it was in September.

Mr Stillman was here or rather in Cannes for a week I saw him several times, absorbed as we all are in this awful drama. He went to Rome, and must have arrived there about the time of the Earthquake. In other times that catastrophe would have filled us all with pity and horror, but now it has been only an incident. The ferociousness of this war has exceeded anything we know of. I had not seen the translation of Heine you quoted in your letter. Poets can be prophetic & Heine was a Jew - science is such a failure, these serums are not efficacious. Typhoid is raging, the hospitals are full of convalescent typhoid patients here. Poor fellows they are so depressed at