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W.F. Biddle, Esq.

If Dr. B [[underscore]] keeps on [[/underscore]]presenting the "Rubens" to you, we shall begin after a while to think it belongs to you. Is this the 3d, or only the 2d time?  I took Clements to the concert last night - think she liked to go, tho' the music wasn't as suitable to [[underscore]] her [[/underscore]] as it sometimes is. She looked, & was, very nice, & only soared aloft [[underscore]] once [[/underscore]], - said the Boston Orchestra's performance of the Handel "Largo" suggested a largo Decorative Panel to her, - whereupon I asked her for definite particulars of the design, & she came down again.

I send the only long notice of the Ex. that has yet appeared in any of our papers. Your Cochran is hung in 1st of the 2 middle rooms, in middle of left hand middle wall, & over a Bridgman about same size full of white, & light tones. It looks [[underscore]] small [[/underscore]], & loses all effect of [[underscore]] contrast [[/underscore]] which [[underscore]] [[underscore]] might [[/underscore]] have resulted from darker surroundings, - but it is a capital work, & does you credit anyway. The Colton's pic. is the first one on the right side of the door into the long room, with a small snow-scene under it, which rather helps it, and it looks first-rate, strong & fresh, & full of life, & [[underscore]] unconventional [[/underscore]]. Lasar's portrait of Mrs. Boyle is the best in the Ex, in a first class work 3/4 length life size.  Col. Cooper knows Lasar well, says he is about 32, came from St. Louis, began there as a lithographer, has been in Paris or thereabouts 7 or 8 years, worked hard at the "Beaux Arts", & had a struggling till he started this class which is only 1 year old & wonderfully successful.

Cooper says that Lasar has unusual talent as a [[underscore]] teacher [[/underscore]] as well as painter, - in fact he considers him by far the ablest teacher & critic he ever met among [[underscore]] men who can paint well & strongly themselves[[/underscore]]. Cooper calls him "Shorty".

[[/text continued on top of page but page turned around]]
Miss Babb has a portrait & little landscape. She was at the "private view", gorgeous in the gray velvet gown - & looked [[underscore]] well, very [[/underscore]] handsome, & quite lady like & quiet in effect.

Meggy B.B. has a pastel of an Italian girl, - very good. & her hub has a terra-cotta bust of [[underscore]] her [[/underscore]], life size, also [[underscore]] very [[/underscore]] good. 

Bye Bye. more on Sunday - 

Would you like to have a catalogue of our Ex?
[[/text continued on top of page but page turned around]]

[[page turned again and text interwritten between lines]]
making Excellent progress.  Especially in history.

My love to all the family, with a special remembrance to Mrs. Leavitt
Ever yours truly
L. W Bacon

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: to keep things consistent throughout the transcription, included [[underscore]] & [[/underscore]] to couple of the words that were underlined that didn't include this.