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so nice to be expected. I am very shaky and thirsty. Thermometer 77 [[when/where?]] I arose[[S?]]!!!

Yesterday Aunt Sallie came and spent the day. In the P.M. Uncle Charlie came and gave us his experience of the blizzard. He was at Mr Scofield's at Newark or near it. They tried to get to town on Monday but only got a few hundred yards - in trying to get home were nearly overcome. Mr S. and his son took refuge in a house about 1 block & a half from home and stayed there till the next day!! 

Charlie got on farther, but stopped in a Mechanic's house to get breath and stayed there some hours - then got on to the house after creeping on his hands & knees!! Saw a working man near the door - asked him how far he had to go to get home - Man said a Mile and half! C. said - you couldn't get there alive - and made him come in to the Scofield's and stay over night! C. couldn't get to town till Wed.
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then saw a wonderful state of things, incredible, if it were not true. Uncle José was four days getting from here to New York!! Spent his time on the train!! mostly at Trenton. What a horrible accident poor Mr Wilbur has had! Of course Etta has told you.

But I positively will not talk any more about these horrors.

Aunt Emily and I went to town yesterday and actually bought a carpet for Mother's room!!! — We are not to have it put down nor to pay for it till May or June. We are going to buy no clothes, but save up.

Cecil was shocked by your going to Mr L.'s studio tea without a chaperone. - Was it not rather rash in Paris!

We are very much pleased to hear of your artistic success at the school - and so glad you 
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