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W. 729 Nalin Dr.
March 28th.

My dear Miss Beaux,

These few words accompany a few "bits" that may interest you.  

Our Philadelphia "blizzard" was not to be compared with the Newports experience but sufficiently severe to make one wish (!) for a residence in [[___?]]!

I hope that you have or will have, opportunities of going to the Theater Francais. Such performances are a rare treat. Perhaps you share my admiration for Mary Anderson. Her London success as "Perdita" in "A Winter's Tale",  has been [[___?]] - The papers speak of it, as too, of her declining to play this week, Holy Week, being a devout Catholic - 

The last Thomas concert, about ten days ago, was one continual delight, culminating in Beethoven's perfect Pastoral Symphony - Then too, the beautiful solo playing of three members of the orchestra, the way in which they modestly appeared - then disappeared - seemed to me genuinely artistic, combined with such admirable performances. The first violinist