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I'm thinking about your Sunday calls, on new friends; and regret:  that matter would keep till after the Sabbath, without any loss but rather gain - I like to know that you are much interested in a Preacher and can understand his language - am waiting to hear of your introduction to the Mc Aull mission would be a way to a higher society and profitable entertainment - Aunt Sarah would take you there - they have many preaching stations scattered about Paris - with great results - Mis Mc. is called the excellent wife - 
How's May : Are the teeth quiet - how does she like the Bills - I hope she is going to have peace and enjoy her new art privileges - how she will rejoice to get her Sister, Sister will be delighted with all so new. besdies she is ap on will see and consider it all - such a wonderful chance to go it will be great benefit for life time - give her my love and best wishes - dear Sister - godod - my shoes are unlaced 
tell us all about those criticism mastus 

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I think they will leave Asheville. Annie fears that she has lost most of her own property too - She wants to get some kind of work to supplement her income. Your account of Mud Wes Lorrie - was very amusing and so was Aunt Sarah's. - Do you know whether those people are all really respectable? Do you know anything about them? Does Mrs. Greene give you any advice about society and precautions and such things? - I suppose Arne Meigs will be soon in Paris - I wonder if you will see much of her - Maybe she will be antipathetic. Mother's asking for a corner to write something. - Friday - 11 ock AM
Uncle Will gone to Jury! needs luck! Had good concert Cecilian with Etta - too. You see this soon pussy wants a corner" too, don't count me out all together dear child - if I am "antidiluvian" as Aunt Sarah calls herself - as regards you. We are jogging on pretty nicily just now. Can you get me a new camels hair brush - on the same plan as the one you got in N.Y.? I could pay for it [[?]] - last in Shyle - You dont [[deovile?]] - $25.00 to get a think that would