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all the time. We put the "pee wee" out of the studio - in the front room - for your splasher - and hung one of your sketches on top of that. You know Harry gave it that name. He was here today, and said he was sick. "It was all I had- [[Zoe?]], he said, "I had the shivers yesterday, and it turned into sickness"! We have very few visits from Cecil - He is sweeter than ever - Has any one told you that Mr Dickson has moved next door or so, to the Sonders? - It is so much more convenient & nice for them all. Has any one told you how "Sam" had a horrid operation - on his nose! - and it was successful - & we went to see him? He came here and asked lots about you, before he was to have his operation. He seemed to be clinging to Mother & me that night; sent his particular regards to you. The MacArthurs are returned again - & Julia Dulles has had a great triumph on harp. Played a solo before several 100 people. Mrs Grayson told us about it. She only had 2-weeks to practice! 
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Sunday Night
8th April

O! Leilie!   Aunt E- is making various & sundry sounds up in the back entry! pertaining to clothes? and Miss Annie E- went with us first to church.- and "we all" got tea - & had - "lemme see"? - some cake like what uncle Will sent you! For it was all his own conception and execution! I scouted the idea. Your letter gave us such a feast on Sat. at [[Bocak?]]. Miss Annie was here sure enough. and you may be sure she enjoyed all that foreign news - Uncle W is writing to Belle today. He thinks you will cry for a rest, but I do not believe it. He came home to dinner today, and Grandma went to church - it being one of the most perfect of cool spring days. Grandma is sitting in her chair at the stove side of table - reading the Observer. Think of Julie W- on the ocean. & will arrive before you get this! I wonder how it will 

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I find that Aunt S- has not been. [[Willem to?]] & I am so tired. I'll say my little prayer - but not write any more tonight
Your Tante Emily
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