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3 rue Chambiges -
April - 12- 1888

Dear Aunt Eliza -

Its Grandma's turn to have the letter but this is for your birthday, though it may come too soon - And I know Grandma wont mind. May has just got better of her cold and has begun going to her Coues once more - She is getting on nicely there and making progress which I am sure she never would have made at Julian's - Mr Laval has been rejected at the Salon. They say from jealousy on account of his Cirus. But I dont believe this. Also two big pictures of a 

home in that than anything else - They were simply packed at The Passage and we shall be too with the big stretchers - nearly as big as Cochran - and not an inch to 'get away' in. Some stars have come to us now. Bilinska - (medalist) Rlumpke (honorable mention) and Morgan. There is not the least chance of my getting the prize but it is a good thing for me to do it with them, and it will give me something interesting to bring home - Bilinska painted a portrait of herself last year for the Salon and there is an illustration of it in the catalogue - It is better looking than she is - M'lle Rlumpke is a stout

[[Sideways text on the inner margins of the right page]]
only send a short letter next week - Your [[Julie??]]