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is dead - never was any one more alive - And now Rebe Furness mother too - I entirely approve of your lunch party and if Lizzie waited nicely am sure it was a success - without me—  I'm afraid you'll get so used to looking after yourself - you'll never need me any more!

Evening - We've just been having a jolly dance in the Salon  Wilsons and Conants all harmonize beautifully and we have some types; two nice American ones Frank Wilson and Mr Whitman a friend of the Conants - Mr Lonergan our Irish swell and de Fontenay ever and always - Lonergan dont dance - sits and looks on - Oh, he is rare - Goodnight - This is a stupid letter - The next will tell about 
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the Salon. I have had two sweet letters from Emma. When you see her give her my best love and tell her to be patient with my remissness. Your Sister—

Where is the baby's picture. I want one so -

There are so many nice people I dont [[don't]] half see any of them - Went to call on dear little M'lle Klumpé at her studio yesterday also my English friend Miss Bayford, who asked me to lunch—  May stopped going to Lazar's this week, in order to attend to Leslie - I have no doubt she and Frank will have seen a lot more of Paris in the sight-seeing way - in a week - than we have yet.  I hope you understand that they have finally come here, to this house—

It is really Spring now though pretty cold today - Oh, the beauty of the Champs Elysées now! The dear little green gardens - The magnolias in
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