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Now it is very nice and cheering for her to think all this, and it is a great help to me, in keeping her spirits up. How much of it is real earnest on your part, and how much was just passing generous impulse? — You must tell me frankly, without a shadow of reserve my dear child - because we have dropped all those things now - and "candidly fess" — If you want her to go away, how much money do you devote to that mission?— As I have to make careful calculations - in such affairs, I thought you and I had better have a definite understanding now. Perhaps your time is so swallowed up, that you cannot give any to this point now - it will do later - just think of the two sentinels - the evergreens at the Donaldson's gate, being chopped down to the ground yesterday! Isn't that rather good for our light and air? —

Grandma and Aunt E are delighted and will be yet more enchanted when our cherry tree falls also! 

"G" went to church with me this AM and Mr Dickson was so very good. Think of Dr Bacon - and Mr Van I. and Mr Gibson - the artist - all of their way to see you. [[upside down text]] what does this mean? [[//upside down text]]
Grandma just took my pen and ink how full of mischief she is! She looks so well tonight - Miss A and I are both writing out of one ink bottle! Her pen almost gives me the jerks - it goes so steadily. She is such an owl - for sitting up late and writing, after we retire. Won't I just miss those two - next week - & you over the sea - & Grandmom and Cecilia alone, unless Uncle Will takes pity on us. He is upstairs in the den - now, adoring the yacht. You ought to see Harry and James glowing over it - only to be equalled by the joy over a lump of gingerbread they are to have for dinner tomorrow.