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yesterday at 11 A.M. I was at the cours and he left a card saying he would return at one - which he did while I was a lunch. 

He has come here to see me and has no other idea than of doing it. looks haggard and I am awfully sorry for him. We had made an engagement to go to the "Observatoire" with the Austin's so I took him right over there and we all went together. Miss Buttles too - and Miss Klumpké (astron) met us there and showed us all the big telescopes and various wonders I only half understood but - the view was wonderful from the top and there was a lovely old garden full of vine covered trees and dark alleys - deep grass and hare-bells - all surrounding the science. Of course Louis 14 founded it and there is a big portrait of him in the usual ermine. I think I know a little more than I did about observatories but I wont take time to tell it here Though I may have lost it when I get home. Miss Buttles remarked that my friend, meaning Dr. Bacon "seemed to know a great deal about astronomy." It was the day of the "file de fleurs" in the Bois de Boulogne, and May and I took an early dinner with the Austins. 

Dr. B. came back and with us and we all took one open cab. Dr. B on the seat by the driver and went out with our rank wealth and fashion to the Bois. It was a sight - though we were a little late - but many of the carriages particularly those in which were very fast-looking women - were literally covered with flowers twined over the wheels and back and in the coachmans hat and around the whip and shafts.