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was only her opinion, & not certain knowledge. The rest of the interview, & the actual words, Aunt Emily is rather misty about. She came in the house after it, rather used up,- hands & feet cold, head hot,- & apparently finds it difficult to recall exactly what passed - but he has fallen from the pedestal on which they had placed him.  How a man so little capable of self-restraint & self-denial, with so little spirituality about his every-day life, could feel himself a true minister of Christ & Christ's teaching, is a mystery to me. "Self-considering" must be his true nature, else he could scarcely have conceived in his own mind the possibility of your consenting. I [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] hope this interview may save you [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] all further worry & trouble from that source, but I fear it will not.  From what I can gather, he fell a good deal below what Aunt Emily thought possible, altho' she was more or less prepared for something of the kind, ever since last [[strikethrough]] spring's [[/strikethrough]] experience in Paris. We have not told Etta, & probably shall not. She has much meeting with the daughters, & it may be best that only we four discreet(?) ones should know.